My husband let me sleep until after 2:00 pm today!
Last night we got our friends Natasha and Christian to keep the boys and my friend Mandy got the girls to come to her house while Jeff and I went to the movies. We didn't get home until almost 2 am after saying thank you and good bye to the sitters it was after 2 when I finally went to bed, Jeff was pouring him self a beer and sitting down to watch TV. Next thing I know I am waking up the next after noon around 2:30 pm or so. I can't believe it! He has never let me sleep in. He got up and took care of the boys all by himself this morning no me, no Kamryn, no Cecilia. He changed their poopies (we all know how bad the first morning poopies are), he feed them FOOD. Got the girls home and played with them, there is still a HUGE fort in the middle of the room made with all the table chairs and blankets I own lol.
I don't know what has come over him. Wait maybe he has finally seen the light, maybe it has finally occurred to him that if he lets me get just a little bit of extra sleep on the weekends I won't be in such a bad mood and tired all the time. You know what I shouldn't care what the reason is I am just really glad he let me do it and I just really pray he lets me do it again!
By the way it is now 5:00pm and he has been asleep every since I got up LMAO!! We all need rejuvenation!
That's awesome, hopefully he'll make a habit of it!! He needs to have a good long chat with Phil!!
Trust me this is a first time thing lol and I had to pitch a fit like a 3 year old the night before to get him to do it :)
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